See, most days lately have been like this:
(Not actually Hawaii, but it has been rather overcast here, so our skies have looked quite a bit similar.)
But today, when I had work to do on the computer, so I knew I'd have it on all day (in a house with no AC, ugh), it was a hot day. It felt more like this:
What does this all have to do with writing?
I finished one novel in the wee hours between 10 pm and 2 am over winter break one year, completed another in fits and starts, also into the wee hours while living in the dorms, but between these two, I wrote another novel all on my own--these others I completed by having professors waiting for pages. This other novel, I wrote the summer after I graduated with my Bachelors'. I was at home, resting after going full-force for far too many years, but I very quickly got antsy.
I don't do well at home with no plans or expectations. I don't do well with prolonged lazy.
But that summer, it was hot. This heavy, oppressive heat that just settles on your head and shoulders, and basically, every exposed inch of flesh. But I spent hours on my computer, typing hundreds of thousands of words until I had a complete draft.
This heat today felt like that. Somehow I had forgotten how hot summers get here (I know, people who have been to other areas of the U.S. and world can argue, but I am not a fan of hot weather, so this is unpleasant). But just a few moments of realization and I was brought back to that summer, how accomplished I felt, and despite the heat, was ready and gearing up to work on my new novel.
I know, I know, what I need to do is focus on editing one thing, not write a new one. :P
(This rambly kind of post has been brought to by a day filled with non-fun-writing work and the letters s and t, for sore throat. Yeah. I really hope I'm not getting sick.)
Happy writing everyone, regardless of the weather outside your door or in your room.
*First photo is borrowed from:
**Second photo from this blog and credited thusly: "Picture taken by Peter near Longreach, western Queensland, in July 2004."
Thanks for that memory of heat and productivity! I need to reclaim that feeling myself. Well, not the heat part but that memory of "yes, this is why I do this."
Today the wind is whipping around like it wants to fight and it's making me want to fight too!
It is nice how a moment can immediately bring up those memories, which can lead to motivation, which usually means progress.
Hopefully that all works without the oppressive heat, though. ;)
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