Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 1 of my Word Counting

524 words. Which were actually written this morning, but I am counting as yesterday's word count.

I like these words, too, even though I am rushing because I have to water the plants and get dressed (not in that order) before heading out for the day. It's a good start, and even though I still have a lot of other work to do, I am going to try and get in another short writing session tonight.

Happy writing everyone,


JenniferWriter said...

Congrats! I'm so impressed when writers can start the day by writing, even if they've only got a little sliver of time. It's such a great way to kickoff the day and week. Keep it up! : )

Sabrina Favors said...

Thanks! You too, I hope the writing is going well.

I actually really like writing at night, but these days I have to get up so early I'm too tired to write the night before (and most mornings I don't have time). It's just nice to get a few minutes here and there.

I even wrote a complete story (41 words) for my writer's group last week.