Monday, January 7, 2008

(A Bit Belated) Happy New Year

So I haven't been on Blogger for a while, and it feels like it's been quite a while since I was on my computer at all. But it is a new year, so I suppose resolutions are in order. Not that the time of year makes a difference, but I think it's a good idea to look over the year and set goals, particularly when one has lots of stuff going on. Now's as good a time as any.

So I looked over my goals from last year, and I accomplished some of what I set out to do, but not everything.

So for 2008:

I finished one round of edits, and half of another, so firstly, finish the rest of that editing, and start querying agents.

I've already done a little research into which agents might be a good fit, now I need to narrow it down and organize myself, make sure I know which ones prefer email queries versus hard copy.

Survive my second and third semesters of graduate school (this spring I have two classes, one after the other, on Tuesdays and one on Fridays).

Finish the first draft of at least one of the two big stories I started last year--the urban fantasy or the pirate-ish maybe-YA fiction.

Plan out the plot/story arc for book two of the story I'm currently editing.

Here's to the new year, people.
Happy Writing,

And Writtenwyrdd, thanks for the New Year's wishes in the comments below.

1 comment:

writtenwyrdd said...

Goals are always good. Just keep chipping away at a project, any project. :)