[You can see the branches as a background, like a tangle of graying yarn.
I took this photo just before typing this post.]
I like to stare out the glass door and seeing the flowers open and close over the day, waxbills and doves and bulbuls flitting in and out of frame. Before I got a digital camera, some of those moments might warrant a quick line or two of description scribbled on the nearest Post-it or note pad, now it's a click away.
I memorialize these moments, thinking one day this line or that might make it into a story. It's such a striking image to me, I want to share it with others.
I couldn't tell you how many such scribbled lines fill notepads and journals, still catching my eye as I flip through to a clean page, but never finding their way into a story. For one thing, I never remember to look for these written down moments of setting and mood.
For another, I don't know whether the moments would be the same. Partly because I'm still growing as a writer, one of my "always trying to improve" issues is the balance between description and action, and when it comes to setting, right now I tend to err on the side of "keep it in my head." I get caught up trying to keep the flow of action, I don't naturally slip in these sorts of lines. I worry that doing so might sound forced, or come across as purple prose. I'm working on it.
I guess, then, this post is just a reminder to myself not to forget these moments in a story and to share a little of my world with you readers.
Enjoy. Happy writing.